Fit Crew Bradenton

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Featured Athlete - Saige Lewis

Saige Lewis

Meet Sage, our Athlete of the month. Saige is the epitome of “bring your best then make it better” as she is always striving to be the best she can be. She originally joined us in January of 2020 and since then she has shown up to group classes and personal training willing to learn, grow, and encourage those around her. One of the most impressive things about Saige is the way that she shows her daughters what strong can look like. She makes the time to train and take care of herself no matter what, sometimes bringing her nine-month-old and eight-year-old to the gym.

Congratulations, Saige!

Tell us about yourself

I was born in Florida, moved to Puerto Rico when I was really small for 4 years while my dad was in the Coast Guard, and moved back – been here ever since! I work a 9-5 at a dental manufacturing company as a buyer / production planner. I have two small kiddos, two chihuahuas, and I’ve been married for about a year and a half.

How did you get started at Fit Crew?  

I came to my first class in January 2020. My wedding was supposed to be in April 2020, so my goal was to lose a couple pounds before then. But covid happened… and the wedding got postponed. The couple of pounds I wanted to lose turned into getting in the best shape of my life. I eventually did get married in May 2021.

What has been your proudest athletic moment?  

There’s been a lot, because there wasn’t much I COULD do when I first started working out here. So, I’d say my most recent exciting moment was finally getting more than 1 or 2 double-unders strung together during a workout.


What’s your favorite exercises? Least favorite? 

Favorite: Barbell Cleans
Least Favorite: Burpees

What do you think makes Fit Crew different from other gyms that you have tried in the past

I’ll always love Fit Crew because it’s the place I discovered I didn’t hate going to the gym, I just hated the globo-style gyms I was going to. I LOVE fitness now and it’s one of the best parts of my day, so much so that I willingly wake up at 4am to make a 5am class.


What do you like to do when you’re not training at Fit Crew?

I’m happy if I’m outside, with my family, and not in a big crowd. OR, anywhere there’s good food.

What do you like to do when you’re not training at Fit Crew?

I’m afraid of heights. I’m tall enough and don’t wish to go any higher.