Fit Crew Bradenton

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Meet The Team | Shannon Furey

Meet Shannon Furey

How did you find Fit Crew?

I found Fit Crew when I was 18. One of my friends brought me to the 6AM class and I had a terrible time, I thought I was going to die. But I came back a year later. The rest is history.


How did you get into youth sports and fitness?

I am the director of operations, HIIT instructor, and a personal trainer. Basically, i get to help people all day long and i love getting to know my clients and watch them progress.

What did you do before this job?

Before Fit Crew I worked at Sarasota Memorial Hospital for four years on a post surgical unit.


What advice would you give someone looking to make a career change?

If you’re considering a career change, follow your heart. Money doesn’t equal happiness and You can change your mind 1,000 times.

Also never sacrifice your happiness for anyone or anytHing. Don’T feel guilty about puRsuing a new dream or path!

What’s your favorite…

Playlist? Iration Radio or 70s Rock RadIo

Brand for gym wear? Gym People on Amazon

Exercise? Either burpee box jump overs or hang power cleans.

Class to drop into? Probably the 6AM. I love getting my workout out of the way before the Florida heat kicks in